I had a special guest in the studio last week thanks to my sweet friend and photographer, MaryAlice Duncan. MaryAlice is an extremely talented and gifted artist herself; she's taken amazing pictures of our Sweet Sophie B since she was in my belly. She is also extremely generous. She came to take pictures of me painting away so that I can create some promotional materials.
She just happened to bring along a little somebody special. You might recognize him from his blockbuster Twilight films. The tousled hair, the glistening skin. Yeah, that's right...Edward Cullen, vampire AND artist...feel free to swoon! Too funny! Even if no one else gets a giggle, we sure did!!
For all you anti-Twilighters out there, don't worry! I'll post the real pictures of little e studio in action soon!
Lord help me, I am just seeing this! You are too sweet to me! And hi Edward!! He had such a great time with you that day. ; )