Less than two weeks to my first major public display and sale of my artwork. www.bellarusticanashville.blogspot.com
holy shnikeys.
Second major public display and sale of my artwork is a mere 12 days after my first. www.ctkart.com

I need about 40 paintings per show. 40 +40=80.
The third major public display and sale of my artwork is December 2-4 at the Fine Art in Brentwood Show and Sale, just two months after my second show. www.fineartinbrentwood.com. Those two months include Halloween, 2nd birthday festivities and Thanksgiving. I need 40 paintings for this show as well.
I am up to 77 paintings in some form of completion.
I have to create inventory lists, create displays, fill out paperwork, price paintings, arrange childcare, plan set up and take down.
I have paint permanently under my fingernails.
I have a 22 month old who could care less that I have two art shows coming up.

Did I mention that I moved this summer? Or that the house we bought needed everything from the roof to the floors to the plumbing to the electricity to the paint to the A/C to windows to a thorough hazmat-suit kind of cleaning?
Good times.
So yes, stress is a constant in my life right now, but how blessed am I to have these amazing opportunities? The timing of my success may leave a little to be desired but I am grateful and humbled that these fun, happy, peppy, colorful, layered, textured, glossy bits of my creative spirit are bringing joy to so many homes!

Say a prayer that I survive this month!!!
little e
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