I've been on a bit of a sabbatical. I haven't painted. I haven't glossed. I have been wearing leggings and a hoodie. It's been GREAT! After a fall full of constant production of inventory in preparation for three art shows in four months after a summer filled with moving, relentless home repair, and grief over the loss of dear friend, I finally felt like I could sneak a little break, enjoy a little Christmas cheer, veg in front of the TV. Of course, I have two more shows coming up in February as well as a gallery and boutique to restock, so I'm sure I'll panic tomorrow, but for today, a little sabbath is in order.
Why am I being a couch potato? Because I just completed my biggest show yet...Fine Art in Brentwood Show and Sale at Brentwood Academy! I cannot begin to explain how much I anticipated this show. And by "anticipated," I mean worried, worked, prayed, worked, worried, worked, and then worried, worked and prayed some more. This was a big one. So many veterans of the Nashville art community...and me, the newbie. Once again, I was overwhelmed and blessed by the warm reception and genuine encouragement of the other artists and by the hard work and kind hospitality of the show staff at Brentwood Academy. Just to get into this show was unbelievable but to actually have a successful show with tons of sales and new contacts was beyond expectations!
So now on to the recap of the weekend!!!
-65 paintings on display
-35 paintings SOLD
I was on a constant roller coaster of sugar high and sugar low from the hospitality cart that came around ever 15 minutes with hot chocolate, coffee, cookies and treats. I'm such a sucker for that kind of thing (concession stands, airplane carts, ice cream trucks) so I indulged every time on Saturday. By the end of the day I was a train wreck. On Sunday I showed a bit more restraint!
One of the many blessings of this newfound career is seeing some of the same faces at each event. People who have come just to see me and my artwork. People who didn't know me before that first show at the barn and who show up at each event to buy, to encourage, to visit. And then there are the early encouragers of my work, the people who have been buying from me since the get go. To see Julie and Midget waiting for me at my booth on Sunday warmed my heart. They began buying pieces over two years ago and they keep coming back for more. People like them (and there are many) gave me the confidence to step out on faith and apply to shows and knock on shopkeepers' doors.
Never in my wildest dreams did I see where those first tentative steps would lead. C'est Moi boutique, Bella Rustica Barn Sale, Belmont Community Celebration of Art, York and Friends Gallery Memphis, Lipscomb Art Event, Featured Artist for American Heart Association's Heart and Soul event, and the Harding Art Show. Unbelievable. UN.Believable.
So here's what's coming in 2012 for little e studio:
The Lipscomb Art Event-February 10-12

American Heart Association's Nashville Heart and Soul Benefit--February 18
For this event, a loft tour featuring wine and music, I will be the featured artist. One of my heart images will be used for advertising purposes and turned into a poster for sale at the event.
Harding Art Show-May 3-5
I am still giddy, elated, thrilled, floating, flabbergasted, honored, humbled, freaked, amazed, overwhelmed that I got into this show. Knock me over with a feather. Pinch me. Or don't. I think I'll bask in this one a little longer!!
Believe it or not, there may actually be more good news, wild news, in the coming months. I covet prayers as I navigate this brave new world...that I can handle what comes my way without compromising my family or my sanity!
So here is what I have to say about 2011. Wow. WOW.
This year almost killed me with the good and bad.
The lowest of lows when my best friend died after battling ALS. Another low when we moved and our new house turned instantly into the money pit...exactly like the movie. A continual low in the struggle of balancing this new career and new motherhood. Guilt. Pressure. Stress. Fatigue. Anxiety. I can't lie. It's been difficult.
The highest of highs of watching my sweet baby girl run and talk and spin and giggle. The unbelievable high of getting accepted into show after show and shop and gallery. The high of encouragement and support as people actually buy my work. The continual high of getting to create for a living. Finding a dormant talent and watching it flourish.
I have a lot to reevaluate in 2012. Numero uno is trying to get some kind of organization, schedule, system in place to stop the madness! I also need to know when to say yes and when to say no. Make sure I am doing all of this for the right reasons.
But I can say this without a shadow of a doubt. THANK YOU. Thank you. Thank YOU! To every single person who bought a piece of my work, thank you. You didn't have to. You worked hard for your money. The economy stinks. My artwork is a luxury not a necessity. I hope I never lose the sense of absolute gratitude every time someone purchases one of my pieces. To know that you bought it because you loved it, because it makes you happy, because it was the perfect gift...I am humbled.
A dear friend and fellow artist sent me this note after the Brentwood show. I have to admit, I wept.
Art is a visual language - a visual communication of ideas, emotions, and experiences. An artist puts spirit and soul into his/her work to connect with humankind. It takes courage to open your "interior" to allow others to view and judge.
Congratulations on a very successful weekend of courage and communication. Your artwork has inspired a joyful spirit in so many people - what touched them even more, was your joyful spirit attached to each piece that you cheerfully gave with each purchase or admiring comment.
Oh how I hope that I live up to these words. That I am spreading joy through this endeavor.
Forget the former things. Do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a NEW THING! Now it springs up! Do you not perceive it?
Isaiah 43: 18-19
May the New Year bring you many wonderful NEW THINGS!
little e
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